Experience Radley
We aim to nurture intellectual entrepreneurs; boys who use their strong academic understanding to solve real-world problems. Exam results matter and our excellent A-Level and GCSE results evidence our commitment to strong academic outcomes. But we know that life doesn’t have a syllabus, so we work hard to equip our boys with the skills, characteristics and values that will enable them to thrive beyond Radley.
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From the moment they arrive our boys are immersed in a thriving community. In their boarding house, they join a band of brothers who will have their back through thick and thin. In their year group, they bond over shared learning experiences and develop lifelong friendships. And as part of our whole school community, where they are seen, heard and known as an individual.
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We offer places to boys with talent and ambition. Through our admissions process, we identify boys who will get stuck in, give their all and make the most of the endless opportunities on offer here. Our generous funding programmes allow us to bring the very best boys to Radley regardless of their ability to pay our fees, so we encourage families from all walks of life to come and see us.
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Boarding Life

What could be better than living with your best mates for five years? I don't know what boarding is like at other schools, but it can't be more fun than this.