We are proud to celebrate and reward excellence through Scholarships and Exhibitions.
We welcome applications for Academic, Art, Drama, Innovation, Music and Sport awards for 13+ Entry, which are assessed in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms of Year 8. Scholarships and Exhibitions are honorary and do not carry any fee remission, but scholarship candidates requiring financial support are encouraged to apply for means-tested funding through The Warden’s Award.
All scholarship applications must be supported by references from the candidate’s current school and external coaches/teachers if relevant.
Applications from non-registered candidates (boys who do not currently have an offer from Radley) are welcomed at this stage. Applicants will be assessed as below but will also be interviewed by a member of the Senior Management Team and will be required to sit papers in English and Maths.

Our Scholarship assessment days are amongst my favourites of the admissions year. We all enjoy meeting boys who have such enthusiasm, skills and talents and it’s so exciting to see the potential of each cohort.
Academic Scholarship
The Academic Scholarship is Radley’s most prestigious award and recognises outstanding ability across the curriculum.
The two-stage assessment process is rigorous, designed to uncover raw intellectual talent and a scholastic mindset. Candidates who enter for Academic Scholarship will sit an English and Maths paper at their current school. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to spend a day at Radley for the second stage, which will include written assessments, critical thinking, team building and two interviews, one with a member of the Senior Management Team and another with a member of the English department.
Key Dates for 2025 Entry
The Academic Scholarship Entry Form will be available from the end of June to those in Year 7. Registered candidates who have expressed a desire to sit for Scholarship(s) will receive the entry forms via email.
- Application Deadline: 11th November 2024
- Stage One Assessment: 22nd January 2025 (at current school)
- Stage Two Assessment (for short-listed candidates): The first day of assessment will take place at a boy’s current school on 26th February 2025. The second day will take place at Radley on 27th February 2025. Candidates not short-listed for Stage Two are still encouraged to take the papers at their current school.
Candidates who have performed well in both Stage One and Two of the scholarship papers will be exempt from sitting Common Entrance. We welcome scholarship applications from non-registered candidates, please contact the Admissions Team for further information.
Timetables for Stage One and Two and full details about the requirements for Academic Scholarship are available on request. Past papers are available here.
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Art Scholarship
Our Art Scholarship recognises talented artists who demonstrate outstanding ability and commitment. Art Scholars will be expected to take Art at GCSE and it is hoped they will continue the subject to A-Level.
The assessment includes practical tests and interviews, where candidates will be expected to show and discuss work in a range of media, and to present a portfolio of work created at school and in their own time. There will also be an interview with the Art department.
Key Dates for 2025 Entry
The Art Scholarship Entry Form will be available from the end of June to those in Year 7. Registered candidates who have expressed a desire to sit for Scholarship(s) will receive the entry forms via email.
We welcome scholarship applications for non-registered candidates, please contact the Admissions Team for further information.
- Application Deadline: 11th November 2024
- Assessment Date: 21st January 2025
Drama Scholarship
Our Drama Scholarship celebrates boys with a deep commitment to, and aptitude for, acting and performance. Award holders will be expected to take drama at GCSE and it is hoped they will continue the subject to A-Level.
Drama awards are made as a result of practical assessments and interviews held at Radley. Candidates will be expected to choose and prepare a monologue between 60 to 90 seconds. In addition, candidates will take part in a workshop consisting of improvisation, drama games and sight reading, and will have an interview with the Director of Drama. Please note: showreels, portfolios and photos should not be sent in advance but we welcome supporting material on the day.
Key Dates for 2025 Entry
The Drama Scholarship Entry Form will be available from the end of June to those in Year 7. Registered candidates who have expressed a desire to sit for Scholarship(s) will receive the entry forms via email.
We welcome scholarship applications for non-registered candidates, please contact the Admissions Team for further information.
- Application Deadline: 11th November 2024
- Assessment Date: 16th and 17th January 2025
Innovation Scholarship
Our Innovation Scholarship rewards boys with big ideas and a determination to realise them. Successful candidates will have an entrepreneurial mindset and technical ability in design engineering, robotics, coding, computer science or game design.
The assessment process is unique and aims to uncover out-of-the-box thinkers with great outstanding communication and problem-solving skills. Candidates are required to submit a portfolio of work in advance, focusing on one or two personally driven projects. The assessment day involves group challenges designed to test ideation and technical ability across a range of disciplines, a written assessment where boys will respond to a brief individually, and an interview presentation where candidates will be quizzed about their response in part 2. Boys will also be expected to bring something they have made (either physical or digital) for discussion.
Key Dates for 2025 Entry
The Innovation Scholarship Entry Form will be available from the end of June to those in Year 7. Registered candidates who have expressed a desire to sit for Scholarship(s) will receive the entry forms via email.
We welcome scholarship applications for non-registered candidates, please contact the Admissions Team for further information.
- Application Deadline: 1st October 2024
- Portfolio Submission Deadline: 4th November 2024
- Assessment Date: 28th November 2024
The deadline for portfolio submission ahead of the Assessment Day is Monday 4th November. Further details are available here.
Back to allMusic Scholarship
Music Scholarships are awarded to boys who will make a significant contribution to Radley’s musical life and thrive as part of the school’s vibrant music department. Potential, a genuine love of music and excitement about the opportunities available at Radley are the most important criteria for an award.
As a guide, most successful award-holders are at least ABRSM Grade 6 on their principal instrument, and often significantly higher; however, musically communicative, compelling playing at a lower level and clear potential for music growth can also lead to an award. Award holders will be expected to take music at GCSE, perform regularly and play a full part in our orchestras, bands and ensembles.
At the audition, boys will be asked to perform two contrasting pieces on their main instrument, a piece on their secondary instrument(s) and/or to sing. In addition, boys will be given a short piece to study for 20-minutes prior to performance and will be interviewed by the Director of Music. Boys are also encouraged to bring along any examples of composition work and/or to discuss their wider musical interests.
We encourage prospective applicants to enquire about a pre-audition one to two years before entry for the Director of Music and/or Head of Performance to give guidance and advice regarding the application.
Key Dates for 2025 Entry
The Music Scholarship Entry Form will be available from the end of June to those in Year 7. Registered candidates who have expressed a desire to sit for Scholarship(s) will receive the entry forms via email.
We welcome scholarship applications for non-registered candidates, please contact the Admissions Team for further information.
- Application Deadline: 11th November 2024
- Assessment Date: 29th and 30th January 2025
Sport Scholarship
Our Sport Scholarships celebrate exceptional sporting ability and a desire to make a significant contribution to the College’s sporting life. We expect candidates to be outstanding in at least two of our focus sports: rugby, hockey, cricket, rowing or tennis.
Exhibitions can be awarded if a candidate is outstanding in one major sport or a number of our minor sports, including real tennis, rackets, squash and golf.
The scholarship assessment day will involve a series of practical tests, including general fitness assessments and coach-led sessions in the sports that a candidate is offering. We will assess a maximum of three sports. Whilst we are happy to hear about boys’ football ability, we do not assess football for scholarship.
We are always eager to see prospective candidates in action, either at their current school or a local club, which will enable the Director of Sport to advise on the suitability of a candidate for scholarship. Please contact the Admissions Team to discuss.
Key Dates for 2025 Entry
The Sports Scholarship Entry Form will be available from the end of June to those in Year 7. Registered candidates who have expressed a desire to sit for Scholarship(s) will receive the entry forms via email. We welcome scholarship applications for non-registered candidates, please contact the Admissions Team for further information.
- Application Deadline: 1st October 2024
- Assessment Date: 11th November 2024