ISI Inspectors – Welcome to Radley!

The intention of this page is to put all of the things that you are likely to need in planning the inspection together in one place. Although this page is not password protected it is hidden from the Radley website menu structure and from search engines. We request that the information given here is use for inspection purposes only.

Key people who you are likely to want to meet:

  • John Moule: Warden (Head)
  • Ben Holden: Sub Warden (Deputy Head and DSL)
  • Sarah Ballard: Head of HR (SCR)
  • David Anderson: Estates Bursar
  • Ally Horton: Health and Safety Manager (H&S, Fire, Risk Assessment)
  • Alex Gilley: Lead Nurse
  • Jonathan Porter: Deputy Head, Academic
  • Suzie Naylor: Head of PSHE and RSE
  • Roger Shaw: Deputy Head with responsibility for inspections.

Inspection Timetable

Being a full boarding school, some activities continue later into the evening than is usual in other schools (notably Chapel, Social Prayers and Cocoa).

I appreciate the difficulties of fitting these into inspection days which are already long but I do think it is important that they are seen to give a proper flavour of Radley.

Shape of the Day

General information

Information about staff and pupils

Timetable and organisational information

Part 1: Quality of education provided

Part 2: Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils

Part 3: Welfare, health and safety of pupils and other legislation

Part 4: Suitability of staff, supply staff and proprietors

Part 7: Manner in which complaints are handled

Part 8: Quality of leadership and management

Additional information required to ensure compliance with National Minimum Standards

Where next?

Whether it's the excitement of sport, the buzz of lively academic debate, or the exhilaration of music and drama – there's always something happening at Radley College. Find out for yourself.

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