We are thrilled to welcome our new Shell cohort, who have quickly settled into life at Radley. Since their arrival, the boys have moved into their Socials, explored the campus, and started forming strong connections with their dons.

One of the highlights of their introduction has been the Shell Games Circus, a fun-filled event designed to introduce the wide variety of sports and activities on offer at Radley. The boys enthusiastically participated in this year’s much-anticipated annual Tug of War – a rite of passage for all Shells. It’s been a fantastic start, with everyone embracing the spirit of Radley from the very first day.

As part of their integration into the school community, the boys have also signed the Radley Code of Conduct, marking the beginning of their Radley journey.

We invite you to relive some of these moments by exploring the photo albums from the Shell Games Circus and other events below.

Shells First Day

Radley-Shells First Day-Full-3rdSept2024-001

Shell Circus

D Social Beagles-17


Tug of War

Radley-Tug o War-8thSept2024-001

Art Tour


Code of Conduct

Radley-Shells Code of Conduct-11thSept2024-045

We look forward to seeing these young Radleians continue to grow and thrive during their time here. Welcome again to all our new Shells!