To ensure the safety of Radley pupils, all visits must be arranged in advance. Visitors, including Old Radleians, must be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.

The Radleian Society Office staff will be happy to arrange a visit for any Old Radleian who wishes to revisit the school, subject to our availability. Generally, a couple of weeks’ notice is helpful to ensure that we have a member of staff available for your visit.

While we will try to accommodate visits at short notice, this may not always be possible. Please note that visitors are not permitted to enter Socials at any time, except as part of a group tour on Old Radleian Day.

Old Radleian Day is the perfect opportunity to revisit Radley College, and reconnect with old school friends. This annual event takes place in mid-September. Check our events page for details.


To arrange your visit, please email the RadSoc team:

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